
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
5:02 AM

Nobody have been coming my blog
Should change it soon
Have been playing table tennis lately
Mrs Nathan changed all our seats
Luckily I am still with Chen Qiu
Lok Heng sits beside me
Keeps singing," I need a new man!"
From Jolin Tsai's album I think,
Teachers have all been changed.
Except Mdm Ong, our music teacher.
Mdm Goh, best wishes to you, hope you recover
and teach 6G again
Please recover.And people please tag.
Going to change blog.
Do not really like this one
Bye bye!

Friday, June 19, 2009
6:39 AM

Had fun again on Wednesday
With Zheng Xiu, Paul, Hong Kai and his brother
We played table tennis and only table tennis
For 2 hours
Going to have fun again tomorrow
At Rei Yin's house
But I have tuition
Or I could arrive earlier
By two hours.
Facebook has some kinks these days
PSLE coming so soon
Have to study hard
H1N1 has affected our lifes
No more supplementary
So sad
Never mind.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
10:18 PM

What a satisfying day I had..
I had fun
With people
Lok Heng, Zheng Xiu, Fu Yang, Pei Yu , Rei Yin.
Now then I discover they all only have chinese names
We played table tennis for like 3 hours
Then Nicholas came.
The yellow house boy from HGP.
Zheng Xiu played a match with him..
How could he?
We were angry
We ate at Macdonalds
After that,we went to my house.
Saw a table tennis table.
Do not need to tell you what happened I suppose.
We then proceeded to my house
Without any distractions.
Home sweet home
Boys played the Game of Life.
Althoough I did not really want to play.
Girls looked at rabbit.
Then used computer.
I felt like I somehow neglected those girls.
Fu Yang went bonkers.
Giving things away in restaurant city
I got an oak table.
We then play the PSPS.
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes.
When it was 3.30
Rei Yin and Pei Yu went off
To play table tennis.
At 3.50 or so..
The boys, including me
Went off
For more table tennis.
Did not see the girls..
5 and all were home.
It was a fun day.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
4:56 AM

Have been going back to school for Scrabble training
Also have been helping Mdm Goh for art videos
Free lunch was provided.
Have been nose-bleeding quite oftenly
2 days 4 times.
Can you believe that?
Don't believe?
Latest bleed coming up.
(This picture might make pregnant woman puke, and those with a heart condition,please stay away from this.)
(The bracket on top was a long note.)

Wasn't that scary?

Saturday, May 30, 2009
5:30 AM


Figured out something during these recent days

Ping Pong rocks

Fun.Must try

Okay.Promised to upload some photos.

Of Singapore River.

So lazy.
Looks like the crow left the other crow behind, going on A HEAD!!This is actuallySirStamford Raffles!In your face Cheryl!This is called the First Generation.
Nothing else much.Scored badly for my examinations.
Must work hard.
Good bye

Thursday, May 21, 2009
4:07 AM

Went to Singapore River just today...
With Melvin and Chen Qiu...
Went there to take videos..
For P4..
Sculptures were all I seen today..
Pictures are coming up...
This one is called Pioneering SpiritThis is called Progress and AdvancementThis I am not so sure.. But I think it is called Struggle for Survival .This is called the Cavenagh Bridge.
If anyone knows the actual spelling, please tell me.
Someone in that group littered into the beautiful river and I saw it with my own eyes!
I have another picture..
A bird stood on Sir Stamford Raffles head...
Check my blog to find it!
Bye!I will continue this story next time..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
11:25 PM

Did I post that last time?
My English result was way above my expectations....
And I got 69.5 for my paper
My composition andoral must have been done well...
Little problem with the sentecnce above...
Wanted to go Lok Heng's house today..
However my mother forbidden....
Damian,Fu Yang and Lawrence Went..
Kirk asked me wheter I was playing soccer...
And the court near my house...
I could not go...
My mother was sure not to let me..
So saddening...
Its alright...
I going to party till I go crazy during the June holidays...
Going to the Singapore River tomorrow as most of you might know...
Would try to take some photographs and post it..