
Thursday, May 29, 2008
5:06 AM

I went to school at twelve today,
for the shooting of the story,
I was the robber,
Kai Lin was the rich girl,
And Jie Lin was the hero,
here is the story,
KL=Kai Lin
JL=Jie Lin
Kai Lin will walk then,

I will follow Kai Lin
Then later Jie Lin will pop up and say,
"Should I help her?I should go and see..."
JL Banana skin


I will still be followig Kai Lin,
Then Jie Lin will find the banana skin and think of an idea


JMS Banana skin


I will follow Kai Lin,then snatch her bag,
I will then slip on the banana skin put by Jie Lin
hurt my butt quite badly there(real)
banana skin is fake one for your information,

l l l l l l JlMlSl l l l
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

I will be in jail,
screaming for help,
and that's all
It will be on Vlogon,
and please vote for us!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
5:05 AM

Hi people,
I went to school today at 8am
I went to help my teacher,
Mdm Goh,
she just gave birth,
we needed to help her to do some art things,
she had to help a MC teacher,
to teach remedial.
Lunch was provided by her,
It was Pizza hut
I had to go at 12.30
to go to another programme,
The pizza came at 12.25,
And I only ate 1 and a half piece,
I then stayed in school till 4.30
We had to host a piece of news,
about one of our 7 core values(Hougang Primary)
I teamed up with Jie Lin,Kai Lin,Li Xuan.
You may find it weird,
But if I choose boys,
they will be very playful,
And I seriously want to win
We decided to use Courage,
And i had to fall on the floor,
during rehearsal,
I fell on the floor for 17 times,,
So sad.
Wish me luck!
Good bye!

Monday, May 26, 2008
11:56 PM

I just went to Maris Stella Secondary School this morning,
at 8.38
I went there for a competition,
North Zone Digital Music competition to be exact,
I went there with Madeline,Jasmin,Aidan and Hong Kai,
The teacher-in-charge was Ms Sim.
It was fun but very troublesome.
We used I-Mac Apple,
and used the Garageband.
I had a HEADACHE that caused me tremendous pain.
However I wish to win,
and so,

Sunday, May 25, 2008
12:24 AM

Hello everyone,
haven't been updating my blog for quite a long time,
examinations period,
I only have a word,
I studied,
and revised,
till my brain popped out..
tired until i felt like dying,
friends that examinations have just ended,
I believe you know that miserable feeling,
examinations are over,
and therefore,
I am a little crazy,
but what can I do?
Hope you like my blog skin!(I have just changed it)
Continue reading!
